Grand Champions 8, Postage Stamps Farm 6 (1/12/2017

Joe Barry Cup, at the International Polo Club, Wellington, FL.

Grand Champions Polo Club won last Thursday their ticket to the semifinals.

Grand Champions with 4 field shots and 4 penalties conversions took the lead, while Postage Stamps converted 3 field shots and 3 penalties. A very active and fast game with lots of fouls.

Grand Champions Polo Club:

  1.  Marc Ganzi - Handicap 2
  2. Nic Roldan - Handicap 8
  3. Ignacio Laprida - Handicap 7
  4. Juan Bollini - Handicap 3

Postage Stamps Farm:

  1. Annabelle Gundlach - Handicap A
  2. Kris Kampsen - Handicap 6
  3. Mariano Aguerre - Handicap 9
  4. Brandon Phillips - Handicap 5